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How to Speak to Your Parents if You’re Worried About Your Mental Health

By Bethany Smith


If you’re struggling to cope with your emotions and you think you might be suffering with symptoms of anxiety or depression, then you’re probably going to feel scared and confused.

I know how that feels, because I’ve been there.

Whilst telling your parents might feel like the last thing you want to do, it’s important that you try. If you can’t tell them, then you need to speak to someone that you trust, maybe a grandparent or other relative.

Talking about your problems can help you to feel better and understand how you’re feeling more clearly. Anxiety and depression can make you feel alone, but it’s important to remember that you’re not. Help is out there, and your parents will be able to offer you advice and guidance.

3 years ago, when I first began to suffer with symptoms of anxiety, I felt embarrassed. I didn’t know why I felt like I did. I tried to hide what I was going through because I didn’t want others to know or judge me, but this only made my anxiety worse.

When I finally did talk to my parents about it, they listened and tried to understand as best they could. It helped me to realise that I had been too hard on myself and that how I was feeling, wasn’t my fault.

My only regret about opening up, is that I didn’t tell them sooner!

It really helps me when I’m struggling with my anxiety, to know I have people around me that I can talk to. I worried about what they were going to think and say, and ‘what if they thought I was being stupid.’ But they didn’t.

If you’re anything like me, you will probably have been worrying about this conversation for some time. The sooner you talk to them, the better! It will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and it will be one less thing to worry about.

Think carefully about what you’re going to say. The people that you speak to might be concerned and worried, but this is only because they care about you and want you to be okay. So, it’s important to tell the truth.

Be prepared for them to ask you more questions. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but this will help in the long run to get the support and advice that you need. They will want to understand clearly what you are telling them and how you’re feeling.

If, for some reason, your parents can’t help you or you feel like they are part of the reason why you’re struggling, don’t panic. You can talk to a teacher, counsellor or contact someone at Child Mind!

Whatever you do, just make sure you talk. Don’t try to deal with these feelings on your own. And, most importantly, remember you’ve got nothing to feel ashamed or bad about. Anyone can face mental health problems at any time and it isn’t your fault.