Minority Mental Health Advocate: Stefanie Flores


"If we can get through our struggles, we can get through mental health issues too. I have hope. " -Stefanie


Tell us about the work you do and how you got started.

I currently work as a mental health and addictions therapist for abuse survivors. I started working as a therapist 13 years ago. Someone who battles addiction doesn't just battle addiction. Everyone's story is combined. I started blogging about self-care and mental health two years ago to share resources and inspiration with people outside my therapy office. Self-care isn't just for therapy clients. Solution-focused care is needed worldwide. I want people to walk out of their house every day knowing what they need & honoring their needs in order to be a kinder, more empathetic human.

Why does minority mental health matter to you?

People of color come from rich backgrounds with strong cultural beliefs. These beautiful aspects of our history have built-in survival stories.  Minorities may be neglecting the healing within our homes, generations, and communities. The oppressors can't take that away from us. If we can get through our struggles, we can get through mental health issues too. I have hope.

What would you tell your younger self?

My PTSD and anxiety do not define me. It's not an additional label to who I am. Do I have symptoms? Yes. But these are just additional facets of my story. Look at everything I STILL do despite these issues.

Learn more about Stefanie on her self-care and lifestyle blog, The Focus on You.